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5个最好的MailChimp WordPress主题和模板与时事通讯插件2024
Template Name | Downloads | Price |
Hazel -干净的极简主义多用途WordPress主题 | 3,447 | $78 |
口袋-商业和多用途响应WordPress主题 | 963 | $28 |
Monstroid2 -多用途模块化WordPress元素主题 | 14,465 | $74 |
技术-技术信息技术解决方案 & 商务顾问 | 1,726 | $47 |
公司业务响应WordPress主题 | 592 | $34 |
Mailchimp WordPress主题-简单的营销自动化!
创建一个专业的网站从来没有这么容易. Our MailChimp WordPress themes are the best product to reach out to your clients by email. Choose one of the ready-made layouts and start to make desirable changes in the drag and drop interface of the revolution Elementor page builder for WordPress. MailChimp integration is one of the best features that allow you to improve your brand presentation and grow your sales. Use the best marketing platform for easy targeting and professional mail distribution.
所有的设计都适合视网膜, 让你的网站在任何浏览器上看起来都很专业, display, or device. Use AI for successful audience targeting to get higher results and collect new subscribers. 出色的UI/UX使网站非常容易浏览. 100% responsive and user-friendly themes are the answer to all professional website’s needs.
MailChimp WordPress主题的主要功能
All Mailchimp WordPress themes contain various build-in elements and pre-designed sections that give you many advantages in creating a successful online business. 请看下面:
- Google Web Fonts;
- MailChimp登陆页面;
- 头部的购物车下拉菜单;
- MailChimp Smarts;
- Social media integration – a great way to promote your products in social media;
- WebForms -登记和登录连接客户端;
- 订阅时事通讯-以获得最佳邮件分发;
- 独特的设计和高品质的滑块;
- The valid HTML5, CSS3 code – speed optimization and customization flexibility;
- 跨浏览器兼容性;
- 多样的布局和自定义颜色.
Use integrated MailChimp smart objects to create a Newsletter and keep your customers subscribed and informed about new products, events, and promotions.
自定义Mailchimp WordPress主题
- 选择最适合你的主题;
- 使用“Live Demo”来尝试所有功能;
- Add it to cart;
- Checkout;
- Download it;
- 安装和激活;
- 更改内容、颜色、字体,然后发布.
MailChimp WordPress主题Shopify问题和答案
在中创建帐户 MailChimp ➡ Make an email client’s list ➡ Install the MailChimp WP Plugin ➡ Generate an API Key ➡ Manage and add MailChimp Forms to your webpage ➡ Go to Email Templates and Create a Newsletter.
First of all, 确保你的网站已经连接到MailChimp, 你有所有的必备插件. 转到左侧栏,寻找“Mailchimp WP“书桌”表单.” Under the “Forms,” you can create and customize the HTML for the signup form to place it on your WordPress site. 您将自动为电子邮件字段设置文档.
我可以得到Mailchimp WordPress主题的技术支持吗?
所有的主题都是自托管的. 我们随时准备为您提供合格的帮助. Please 考虑申请我们的服务. 发现我们推荐的WordPress hosting services 从Templateog体育首页.
MailChimp WordPress主题是否经过seo优化?
Yes, they are. WordPress themes with integrated MailChimp 从Templateog体育首页 have valid HTML and CSS, 出色的上传速度, 零Javascript冲突. 它们与所有设备和屏幕兼容, 和移动设备优化, 这使他们的seo友好.